
Dietary Behavior Transgressions (TACs)

Eating disorders (TACs) that have been encouraged during the pandemic have caused many overweight and obesity. Today it is considered that body weight does not offer important health information (physical, psychic, social or emotional). But body weight variations in a given period of time, in more or less, are important. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was created by statistician Adolphe Quetelec 200 years ago and relates weight to height. BMI is still used to diagnose overweight and obesity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight is defined with a BMI equal to or greater than 25, and obesity with a BMI equal to or greater than 30.

Energy drinks

They have a high content of caffeine and sugar. They stimulate the Central Nervous System and achieve excitement in adolescents. A cup of coffee has 40 mg of caffeine and these drinks can contain between 60 and 100 mg of caffeine. They stimulate cardiac activity (tachycardia, extrasystoles) and manifestations such as insomnia. Addiction is not proven but the habit of consumption and even chronic intoxication. Energy drinks as well as other dietary supplements are considered as foods.

WHO suggests that they be called “stimulant drinks”. With high consumption there may be adverse effects. They advise a maximum of 2 cans daily. Some products have guarana and not caffeine, but guarana is a chemical of the same group as caffeine and produces the same effects. Some people consume these drinks with alcohol. They use it to change their mood.


The Veterinary Nanotechnology Group of the Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA in Bariloche (Argentina) develops a new vaccine through the inoculation of nanovehicles carrying a portion of the genetic code of SARS-CoV-2 to dendritic cells that are responsible for siparating the immune response. These are targeted “nanovaccines” that were being tested on animals. It is likely that concluded the experience in mice, in the last trimester of 2021 begins to discuss its use in humans.

Dual vaccine (Covid-19 + Yellow fever)

The Rega Institute in Louvain (Belgium) is investigating how to modify the yellow fever vaccine that causes lifetime immunity and use it as a vector in which an antigen that is the coronavirus loop is incorporated. Not yet tested on humans. This academic laboratory could begin clinical trials by the end of 2021. By producing immunity against two diseases (Covid-19 and Yellow Fever) it could be useful where yellow fever is endemic as it happens in Africa or South America.

A Spanish laboratory investigating coronavirus has to resort to crowdfunding to survive

This is the neurovirology laboratory led by José Antonio López-Guerrero, of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). The objective is set at 230,000 euros to maintain laboratory and personnel costs for three years in which they plan to carry out their NeuroCovid Project, ‘oriented towards the characterization of the potential antiviral and viricidal activity of different compounds against human coronaviruses. In addition, the mechanisms of action of compounds with antiviral activity on the viral cycle of HCoVs will be studied. That is, which phase of the viral cycle is affected by these compounds». (ABC science-Spain)

Immunity, genetics, biological sex and Covid-19

Advanced age is a major risk factor for Covid-19. Mortality among older men is twice as high as among women of the same age. Biological sex in humans has a determining influence on the immune system, which has also been proven in animals.

Women would have an important advantage in their genes to detect viral infection. The aging of the immune system in men would be around 63 years old and in women would be about five years later.

Some patients with Covid-19 would generate defective antibodies that worsen the course of the disease (almost all men).

Numerous studies are carried out by different groups in different countries on this line of research.

Ongoing Living Update of Potential COVID-19 Therapeutics: Summary of Rapid Systematic Reviews

RAPID REVIEW, 30 October 2020

This is the tenth edition of this summary of rapid systematic reviews, which includes the results of a rapid systematic review of currently available literature. More than 200 therapeutic options or their combinations are being investigated in more than 1,700 clinical trials. In this review, 46 therapeutic options are examined. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is continually monitoring ongoing research on any possible therapeutic options. As evidence emerges, then PAHO will immediately assess and update its position, and particularly as it applies to any special sub-group populations such as children, expectant mothers, those with immune conditions, etc. You can find the document here.


June discovered the first coronavirus. Chinese researchers reportedly used her techniques to identify COVID-19. Humanity owes her at least posthumous recognition.


École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort (France): Volatile compounds are collected from the body of a patient with Covid-19 (blood, sweat, skin, and urine samples) and dogs are trained to sense the smell of the virus.


The Global Dementia Observatory is an international surveillance platform for policy planners and researchers that will facilitate the monitoring and exchange of information on dementia-related policies, the provision of services, epidemiology and also research.


In Medicine we are waiting for the advances made with this technology, but the reality is that this is not the priority.

Leading the 5G will allow remote control of a country’s communications and defense systems. In the meantime, we keep thinking about the sick.


In 2019, the US FDA approved a new drug, Rifapentine (which belongs to the Rifamicin family). It is the first approved tuberculosis treatment medicine in more than 40 years.

Professor Ciril Rozman, Leader of internal medicine

He works as a Consulting Doctor in Avda. Diagonal 612, át. 4ª, 08021-Barcelona, Tel. 93-2094192.

Author of some of the most prestigious internal medicine books. His work is internationally recognized.

Conferences and meetings

For more information, click on each photo.


The risk of patients manufacturing their medicines at home, in an article by The New York Times, Sui-Lee Wee (19/XI/2018).
